Pros and Cons of different finance methods


Source of finance




Bank Loan

A certain amount of money borrowed from the bank

You can get it straight away

You have to pay it back, with interest


You have to be accepted for a loan


Money raised from a large number of contributors through a campaign, usually via the internet

Fast way to raise finance

You have to build up interest in the project beforehand

Grant/Funding (BFI etc.)

Money provided by a party, most often the government

You don’t have to pay it back

Time consuming with research and actually waiting to get the grant

Private Investment

Money invested by companies/financial investors rather than the government

It’s not a loan

Most investors expect something back or a benefit


Providing the funding yourself

You don’t owe anyone anything back

Can be limiting and can put you under strain

Local Authority/ Public Investment

Money specifically provided by the government and can be through council tax

You’re being backed by a community

You have to be more careful when creating your project e.g. you can’t film illegally as you now represent a community

For my own project, it’s very unlikely that a bank loan, private investment, local authority/public investment or grant will be an eligible way to receive funding. This is because I don’t believe I will fit into the specific criteria required for a bank loan as well as the fact that my project is on a much smaller scale compared to other qualified candidates. The funding method I think will be most useful will be self-funding and crowd-funding as you don’t have to owe anybody anything back and crowd funding especially is a quicker, more efficient way to raise money. Crowd-funding will also allow interest and support in the project to be built up before production begins. Also, self-funding, I think, will be a more secure way of keeping a budget on a realistic scale.

I have completed this pre-production activity as a way to consider the financial options I have for my  short film/ extract and to determine which option would be most sensible to go through with. By researching these options individually (with definitions, pros and cons) and then applying them to a table format, it makes the 'weighing of options' a lot easier as it's easier to read and make comparisons. This will help me organise a budget for the production element of the project and will make the ideas of finance more easier to manage.


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